I'm Just Like You - But Organized.

Some clients think of me as a professional organizer. I'm not. I'm a professional who just happens to be organized!

I'm a stylist and interior designer but my approach to both is the same. Get everything organized first and the rest will naturally fall into place.

I'd like to take this opportunity to dispel a few other myths:

Myth: I do it all!
Reality: I'm a mom, wife, homeowner, cook, the laundry fairy (don't ask!), housekeeper, wanna-be- gardner, pet-lover, and a professional photo stylist and interior designer. I couldn't do any of these things well without some sense of order.

Myth: Being well-organized means I'm a perfectionist. 
Reality: I throw my head back and laugh out loud at this one! I can easily put my hands on what I need when I need it. But on occasion I have been known to get a tinsey-tiny bit upset when things are not put back where they belong!

Myth: Every nook, crannie, closet, cupboard and drawer is organized. 
Reality: I have tried, BUT, there are areas best left untouched such as my hubby's office and his fly-tying desk, or my daughter's bedroom and bath (she's in college now - reprieve)! to name a few. Honestly, some battles are just not worth fighting. 

Myth: My home is spotless. 
Reality: It's clean but don't bring your white gloves. I do it myself but there are still just 24 hours in my day. Some gentle coaxing (okay - arm-twisting) to get the family to pitch in, is key to a peaceful 'if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!' kind of balance.

Myth: Every room is fabulously decorated. 
Reality: Each room as a sit-down-put-your-feet-up, put-a-glass-down, make a fort, or have a picnic kind of space. Everyone who comes to my house needs to be comfortable. If you call that fabulously decorated - then we're talking the same language.

Myth: I live in a simple, clutter-free home. 
Reality: I live in what many Americans would call a small home - about 1900 sq. ft. I'm also a stylist - so I have stuff! "A place for everything and everything in it's place" is my mantra as is "everything has to have more than one purpose". If the item doesn't fit that bill - I doesn't live here.